I Finally Broke Down and..

Hello darlings! As my winter break from school comes to an end, I’m getting ready to start another bitter semester at my university. I don’t feel I’ve drank enough hot cocoa, or have tried as many recipes, or read as many books as I would have liked to have done on my break, but it’s been nice nonetheless. 

I would like to address the south’s love of fried foods. The Midwest somewhat* shares this love, so I can sort of identify with the allure of it all. What I cannot identify with is some Midwesterners innate ability to make something sort of harmful or unhealthy, sound extremely unhealthy. I am referring to fried foods and the vernacular in which these foods are expressed. See below a conversation I had a while back

Gosh I sound snappy! Sorry JOO!! I digress… 

 As I was saying >>DEEP FAT FRIED. Why? Why note the sin in eating fried food even more so? I don’t understand it. We don’t do that in the south! I don’t like feeling guilty when I eat something naughty (a form of Eater’s Remorse).  So the object of the game (for me) is to just enjoy the fried whatever and sort of gloss over the cholesterol and fat that I’m taking in, because, let’s face it; I’m going to eat it anyway. 

And to clear up any questions: Yes! We are going to start working with polymer clay AND we are going to visit a Fried Pies restaurant in the near future!! I PROMISE to be objective and give a fair and honest review. That being said, expect photos of the good, bad, and horrific. 

Peace && Love,


Judy here!
Dealing with the flu is no fun, especially dealing with it while I work. Never in my life have I ever lived in a state where so many people don’t want to do their job, which causes actual sick people like me to suck it up and do their job for them. On a lighter note, YES! we are going to start working with polymer clay, along with a few other larger announcements to make in the short future. For the time being I will be working on attempting to get our ‘studio space’ set up and figure out some organization ideas. For anyone who is reading for now or just for me to get it out in the open for the future; Josie and I have created the Sweet Southern Hell brand for us to start as a hobby, so we might not post every day and we both may not post the same days. The times will more than likely be scattered and sometimes we will post just to rant about trying to figure out life in the Midwest. We hope that our brand will soon branch out and that our blogging topics will grow along with (hopefully) our fans. But until then it’s just us two girls vs. the Internet.

The Joo, signing off.

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